What the panda is Authentic Warrior?

Welcome to the Authentic Warrior Training!

Your crash course to find out who you truly are, what your purpose is, and gaining the knowledge to create action in your day to day life.

If we haven't met yet, our names are Jaslin & Marlu Martin. We created LifeHealthSoul.com as a mother-daughter team. We specialize in helping dreamers clarify their purpose in life, reclaim their authenticity, and listening to their inner voice so they awaken the strength of the genuine warrior within.

What the panda is an Authentic Warrior?

To be able to say “I am Authentic” you must truly understand your inner voice. The key factors are having unconditional love for yourself and others. When we claim our authentic self we live a life filled with self-love, self-respect and also peace within.

The Warrior energy consists of strength, focus, tenacity, and knowing your purpose. Just like any Warrior, you shall go through training to build strong relationships, confidence and clarity.

Let’s shed our negative stories. Be a whole individual that promotes love, strength and positive action. Light up the Authentic Warrior within starting today!

To start the path of living the life of an Authentic Warrior there must be a big transformation in three areas:

  1. Life: Rewire the way you view your world to see life as a blessing. Get ready to let go of your past and surrender the future. Be willing to give up who you think you should be to support who you are here and now.
  2. Health: Learn the key factors to health and energy so your inside and outside can match. Create wiser choices daily.
  3. Soul: Gain the courage to meet your authentic self by awakening your heart and soul. Connect to the light found within and shine it throughout your community.

This transformation ends with embodying Life, Health, and Soul, creating a whole person.

Mind you, a whole person does not mean that you don’t make mistakes. Heck, we make mistakes all the time!

Here is one mistake I know with certainty that you did not make. It’s not too late to find yourself. There is nothing wrong with where you are right now in your life. We are all in different paths and sometimes we just need a sign: a light within the fog, a guiding force leading you onward to take that next step forward. This course is that sign.

Action Steps:

Make a commitment right now, in this moment, to be 100 percent YOU.

You are authentic. You are a warrior. You are loved for exactly who you are.

We see you making this beautiful step and applaud you!

We welcome you to the path of the Authentic Warrior.

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